March 2024 update: Reminder to centres to install or update to the latest A2C software
Schools and colleges are encouraged to check that they have upgraded to the latest version of the A2C Transport Application, which is used to transfer entry, amendment and result files to and from awarding bodies. For further information about the A2C Transport Application software and how to update to the latest version, please refer to the A2C pages from our supplier, Avco Systems –
Note: the above information may not apply to those centres using an integrated A2C connection in their MIS, e.g. Bromcom, as the MIS handles the transfer of the files itself.
A detailed install / upgrade guide can be found below:
How to Install the A2C Software
The software is available for download from the A2C Avco Systems website.
Upgrading to the latest version of the A2C Software
If your centre already has the A2C software installed but you’re not sure if you are on the latest version (, more information can be found below.
Newer versions of the application will check on start up as to whether the version running is the latest version. To upgrade, click on the highlighted link (examples below) in the application or download the latest installer as above (see section ‘How to install the A2C Software’), and the installer will perform an upgrade if it finds an existing version.
Why is this needed?
As with all software applications, from time to time updates are released that address bugs and stability. Keeping the software updated will ensure a smooth user experience when using the application.
Newer versions of the application will connect to on start up to check the version of the application against the latest version that has been released. The status of this will be displayed in the lower left of the application window.
You will see one of the following messages:
- “You have the latest version installed”
- “Checking for updates”
- “Unable to check for updates – please click here to try again” (unable to reach
- “Update available – please click here to download”

If you can't see any of these messages, you are likely running an older version.Please manually download the latest application directly from the A2C Avco Systems website
Further information about the A2C Transport Application can be found in this FAQ.
The A2C programme is being delivered by JCQ, its awarding organisations and MIS (Management Information System) Suppliers in collaboration and consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.
This area of the JCQ website provides an overview of the A2C programme as well as information for all stakeholders.
If you do not use an MIS for your exam processing you will not be affected directly by A2C; all Awarding Organisations will continue to support their existing extranets.
For latest news see the A2C News page.
The A2C Transport Application is available to users who do not have an A2C compliant MIS. It can be downloaded from